26th US disabled water ski national championships & team trials
September 14-17, 2022
Paducah, Kentucky
To Ski At Nationals You Need To
You Also need to Qualify to ski at Nationals
Fill Out Entry Forms, Waivers, Skier Bio Form
Become a USA Adaptive Waterski & Wakesports Memeber
If you are already a member, you will only need your USA Water Ski Membership Number. All Tournament Riders must be USA Water Ski Members and Safe Sport Certified.
Pay all Entry Fees.
Complete the Medical Classification Checkin
(Done at Nationals in Accordance with the tournament schedule)
Registration Form
Print these forms and Mail them to
Patricia Bryant
P.O Box 5, Beechmont, KY 42323
USA Adaptive Water Ski & Wake Sports
2023 World Championships
Tournament Schedule
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Site Familiarization* - Twin Oaks Lakes
*Early familiarization slots will be given to skiers who are on the Board
8:00 am to 2:00 pm - Event Registration/Check-In - Twin Oaks Lakes
8:00 am to 1:00 pm on - Medical Classification Medical Tent, Twin Oaks Lakes
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Scorer Setup + Running Order - Officials Pavilion, Twin Oaks Lakes
2:00 pm to 05:00 pm - WSDA BOD Meeting - Officials Pavilion, Twin Oaks Lakes
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - Officials Meeting - Officials Pavilion, Twin Oaks Lakes
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Skiers Meeting, Twin Oaks Lakes
Thursday, September 15 – Twin Oaks Lakes/South Lake
8:00 am to close - Round 1 Slalom, Round 1 Trick
Friday, September 16 – Twin Oaks Lakes/South Lake
8:00 am to close - Round 2 Slalom, Round 1 Jump
Saturday, September 17 -– Twin Oaks Lakes/South Lake
8:00 am to close - Round 2 Trick, Round 2 Jump
7:00 pm - or one hour after completion of tournament
Awards Banquet (Location to be Announced)
**This is a provisional schedule of events for planning purposes only. Dates, times, and locations are subject to change. The final version schedule will be available at the event registration on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.**
Tournament Entry Fees
Entry Fee – The applicable entry fee (includes 1 banquet ticket) must accompany the entry form
to be accepted. For those who fail to qualify, the entry fee minus a $20 administration and
processing fee will be returned. The fee for participants is as follows:
One Event $90 Two Events $100 Three Events $110
Registration deadline is 5:00 p.m. CDT, August 30th, 2022. All entries must be on the Official Tournament Entry Form.
Late Entries – The official tournament entry form will be accepted after the August 30th, 2022 deadline provided the contestant pays a late fee of $15.00 per day, payable with your entry form. The deadline for late entries is September 14th, 5:00 PM. ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE AND TIME.
Qualifying For Nationals
* If you qualify to trick, you also automatically qualify to slalom and vice versa. Qualifying for jump must be done separately.*
**In order to jump at nationals, you must qualify prior to site familiarization.**
To qualify you need to be able to:
*Trick 100 Points
Run the inner slalom course at 19 mph*
**Land a jump**
How to Qualify:
Ski at a sanctified 3-event tournament prior to nationals
Complete the above* at Site Familiarization in Paducah on September 14th
Ski in person with or provide video of the above to an official or coach
Tournament Site
Twin Oaks Lake
2345 Oaks Rd,
Paducah, KY 42003
Hotel Accommodations
Auburn Place Hotel & Suits Host Hotel
3994 Hinkleville RD
Paducah, KY 42001
Phone: 270-444-7667
Check Skier Info Packet for a list of optional hotel accommodations