USA Adaptive Water Ski & Wake Sports
2023 World Championships
Statement of Principle: A team of a maximum of 14 skiers will be selected to represent the United States at the 2023 World Disabled Championships. The goal of the U.S. Adaptive Water Ski Team is to win the team title. To achieve that goal, a team will be chosen that can score the highest possible overall event scores in Slalom, Tricks, and Jump, with a minimum of six scores per event.
United States Adaptive Water Ski Team – Required Membership:
All team athletes and staff must be active members of USA -WSWS and must designate USA-AWSWS (WSD) as their primary sports discipline unless said athlete/staff is a Life Member of another sports discipline within USA-WSWS, per Item 4. of USA Adaptive Water Ski and Wake Sports Inc, Policy and Procedures Manual, approved by the BOD on August 3, 2021.
The team will consist of a maximum of 14 skiers with no more than four per category per gender. (Category refers to medical classification MP1, MP2, etc.).
The best result of each contestant in each event at the Trials will be scored according to D.5.01:
Skier's Score x 1000
World Record Score
* An individual's overall point total per event may not exceed 1200 points (Rule D.5.05).
1. The skiers with the six (6) best scores in each event (slalom, trick, jump) will be chosen regardless of gender or category. NOTE: There could be more than one person from one category.
Winning an event in a category (V1, V2, MP1, MP2, etc.) may not place the skier in the top six scores when scored against the World Record. Example below.
**ALL #’s are FAKE and don’t represent any tournament or individual.**
2. Preference will be given in order to those with one of the six highest scores.
> First skiers chosen based on: highest scores in all three events
> Next skiers chosen based on: highest scores in two events
> Next skiers chosen based on: highest score in one event
Even if a skier has the highest score in one event, that skier may not be chosen if other skiers have top six scores in each of the three events or even in two events.
3. If there is a tie for the last position, females will be given preference over males.
4. If there is still a tie, preference will be given to the athlete with the most national and international experience.
5. A skier may be added to the World team at any time after the team trials tournament if the skier can demonstrate the ability to score within the top 5 scores in one or more events in a USA-WSWS sanctioned tournament.
Any additional skier/skiers added to the team, post team trail event, will be at the sole discretion of the team selection committee.
6. To be considered for the team after the initial team selection, a skier should submit a written request for consideration to the team manager and team coach. The request will be considered based on the following items:
a. The skier must have attended, and participated in, the original team trials tournament.
b. The skier can demonstrate that he/she has the ability to score one of the top 5 scores in one or more events.
c. The skier must submit “proof of performance” in writing from a sanctioned AWSA or USA-AWSWS Class C tournament or higher.
d. The skier is capable of fulfilling the financial / fund raising responsibilities of the team.
c. The deadline for the team entry forms to the world championship organizing committee has not passed.
7. At any time, in the best interests of the team, exceptions may be made to these rules and alternates may be chosen after the initial team selection at Nationals.
Examples of “in the best interests of the team” include, but are NOT limited to:
> Prior documented performances at both nationals and worlds.
> Prior experience at both nationals and worlds that can impact confidence in performing.
USA-AWSWS USA Team Selection Process Approved 10/20/2021, updated 3/20/2022