Award History
THe Royce Andes Award

The Royce Andes Award was created by the Western Region of USA-AWSWS in 1995 to honor Royce Andes, the godfather of adaptive water skiing.
Royce was injured while barefooting in 1982, which left him a C4 quadriplegic for 35 years. His injury didn’t diminish his love of water skiing, his drive or determination. Using a mouth held stick pen, Royce developed the sit-ski (patented as the "Kanski"), which took adaptive water skiing to a whole new level.
Developing the ski wasn’t the end of Royce’s efforts. He went out into the world (Chico State) to find prospective skiers. One of his first “find” was Bill Bowness who became a multi time world record holder, champion, coach, manager, judge and has been inducted in both the USA WSWS and IWWF Halls of Fame. Bill was just the first, there’s a long list of Royce’s successful “finds”. Obviously, he taught more than adaptive water skiing. He remained an inspiration, advocate and coach of new skiers until his passing in May of 2018.
The Royce Andes Award is presented at every US Nationals to a promising new national competitor. The award is voted on by the Western Region at the Nationals, and is to honor, not necessarily a great performer, but a promising new competitor who is an inspiration to others to try, learn, and compete.
Royce Andes Award Recipients:
1995 - Mark Dean
1996 - Darryl Goldsmith
1997 - Andrew Ewing
1998 - Kevin Kimble & April Shinholster
1999 - Chad Guzman
2000 - Tammy Allard
2001 - Justin Gotthardt
2002 - Robert Baer
2003 - Megan Lovelace
2004 - Jeff Hancock and Deborah White
2005 - Bill Conley
2006 - Raquel Roney
2007 - Daniel Reed
2008 - Robbie Parks
2009 - Nationals Canceled
2010 - Megan McCauley
2012 - Connor Poggetto
2014 - Cameron Elzey
2016 - Janet Paulsen
2018 - Elisha Nelson
2022 - Abigayle Dunn
The Barbara Bolding/Jim Grew Award
The Barbara Bolding/Jim Grew Perpetual Trophy is a prestigious award in memory of Barbara Bolding, who passed away in 1992 after a five year battle with cancer. Barbara was introduced to the sport and its athletes by Jim Grew, her fiancé at the time of her passing. She felt an affinity with the skiers who had to face and were continuing to face so many challenges. Between bone marrow transplants, she attended several Disabled National Championships in Michigan and the 1989 World Disabled Championships in Perth, Australia. She felt at peace in such a cohesive community, as if embraced by a large, energetic family.
Barbara was a skilled pen and ink artist. Athletes awarded the Barbara Bolding/Jim Grew Award receive a certificate with her last drawing, used in a fund raiser, based on the photo of a single tree taken in Megeve, France where she and Jim were vacationing in winter. The motto of this award is "Dare to Soar", one which not only represents who Barbara was but is as fitting as the trophy housed in the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation Museum depicts a 14" high, specially crafted crystal eagle emerging from a granite cylinder placed on a plain 4 foot wooden base that narrows from bottom to top. Athletes winning this award have their names added to a plaque next to the trophy.
This prestigious award is given to the youngest athlete placing 1st at the National Championships to encourage continued participation and passion for adaptive water skiing.
Barbara Bolding/Jim Grew Prestigious Award Recipients:
1992 - Ron "Tadpole" Williams
1993 - Ron "Tadpole" Williams
1994 - Ron "Tadpole" Williams
1995 - Ron "Tadpole" Williams
1996 - Ron "Tadpole" Williams
1997 - Craig Timm
1998 - Cami Ogren
1999 - Kerri McMurtry
2000 - Cami Ogren
2001 - Justin Gotthardt
2002 - Justin Gotthardt
2003 - Justin Gotthardt
2004 - Justin Gotthardt
2005 - Craig Timm
2006 - Craig Timm
2007 - Raquel Roney
2008 - Raquel Roney
2009 - Nationals cancelled
2010 - Jessica Radmilovic
2012 - Megan McCauley
2014 - Craig Timm
2016 - Elijah Hager
2018 - Sarah Switzer
2022 - Sarah Switzer
The Phil MArtin Award
About: Coming Soon!
Phil Martin Award Recipients:
2003 - Phil Martin
2004 - Jim Grew
2005 - Royce Andes
2006 - Dan & Rhonda Van Dyk
2007 - Bill & Denise Bowness
2008 - Bill Furbish
2009 - Ann O'Brine
2010 - Sally & Dick Mecham
2011 - Larry Downes
2012 - Matt Oberholtz
2013 - Steve Hornsey
2014 - Mike Mosley
2015 - Rodger Randall
2016 - Joe Ray
2017 - Vito Lucido
2018 - Robbie Parks
2022 - Bob Archambeau
Male & Female Athlete of the Year
Every year, USA Water Ski and Wake Sports elects one male and one female athlete who not only demonstrate exemplary skills and compete on a world level, but an athlete who represents the core values of USA Adaptive Water Ski & Wake Sports. Receiving this awards is a high honor as it is a representation of the athlete's ability and performance skills, as well as their their character. The recipient of this award is decided yearly by the USA Water Ski Awards Committee and is presented annually at USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Awards banquet in Orlando, Florida.
Male Athlete of the Year
1999 - Aric Fine
2000 - Craig Timm
2001 - Craig Timm
2002 - Bill Bowness
2003 - Joe Ray
2004 - Joe Ray
2005 - Bill Furbish
2006 - Joe Ray
2007 - Craig Timm
2008 - Craig Timm
2009 - Craig Timm
2010 - Craig Timm
2011 - Joe Ray
2012 - Joe Ray
2013 - Bill Furbish
2014 - Joe Ray
2015 - Connor Poggetto
2016 - Eli Hager
2017 - Craig Timm
2018 - Craig Timm
2019 - Connor Poggetto
2020 -
2021 -
2022 - Connor Poggetto
Female Athlete of the Year
1999 - Katie Mawby
2000 - Kerri McMurtry
2001 - Janice Duvall
2002 - Ronda Jarvis-Ray
2003 - Katie Mawby
2004 - Katie Mawby
2005 - Ronda Jarvis-Ray
2006 - Katie Mawby
2007 - Ronda Jarvis-Ray
2008 - Jessica Radmilovic
2009 - Jessica Radmilovic
2010 - Jessica Radmilovic
2011 - Jessica Radmilovic
2012 - Megan McCauley
2013 - Jessica Radmilovic
2014 - Katie Mawby
2015 - Katie Mawby
2016 - Kerri Vanderbom
2017 - Kerri Vanderbom
2018 - Sarah Switzer
2019 - Sarah Switzer
2020 -
2021 -
2022 - Katie Mawby