Rhode ISland
Eastern Region
2020 Events
Thanks for a great 2019 season!
We're already looking forward to all the events that organizations all across the country will be hosting in 2020.
Please keep an eye on our CALENDAR OF EVENTS as that is where all events for the 2020 season will be posted.
In the mean time check out the MEET THE 2019 WORLD TEAM that traveled to Norway to compete in the World Championships.

Eastern Regional Director

Simon Gray
Simon has always been around the water. He served in the British Royal Navy and moved to the US in 1992. Since coming to the US, volunteering and helping in any way that he can is engrained in his DNA. Becoming involved in the Shriners, transporting young victims of burns to the Shriners Hospitals, was the first leg of a journey that has impacted him and his family. Restoring his family and home after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina took his family down another path; they moved to Lake of the Woods (LOW) in 2005 and immediately wanted to become involved with the community.
Moving to LOW allowed his family to have a boat and playtime on the lake, which peaked his youngest son Spencer interest in waterskiing. The family also joined the LOW Ski Club. Being an EMT and waterskiing led to the natural progression of becoming a USA Waterski Safety Coordinator, also gaining experience in barefooting, show skiing, and safety training. Several years ago, his family had the opportunity to help out at a Dreams for Kids event where they spent the entire day helping differently abled youngsters have the opportunity to be on the water. That day, Simon met a young man named Simon who had some learning difficulties, but his heart was thus removed and thrown at these people. Since then Simon and Simon (LOL) have met numerous times and chuckled about lots of things.
Simon subsequently attended numerous differently-abled watersports events from Warrior Week in Virginia Beach, managing 60 plus Danish Wounded Warriors on the water for 2 days, and then became the Safety Director at numerous Lake of the Woods Adaptive Watersports events.