midwest Region
2020 Events
Thanks for a great 2019 season!
We're already looking forward to all the events that organizations all across the country will be hosting in 2020.
Please keep an eye on our CALENDAR OF EVENTS as that is where all events for the 2020 season will be posted.
In the mean time check out the MEET THE 2019 WORLD TEAM that traveled to Norway to compete in the World Championships.

Midwest Regional Directors

Dan Reed
Dan first learned to ski in 2001 at a RHI Sports Clinic. He started competing in 2004 and in 2009, he was chosen to be a member of US Disabled World Team, traveling to France and helping win his first team Gold. Since then, he was selected to the 2011, 2013 and the 2015 World Teams.
Along with the WSDA Board of Directors, he also serves on the Board of Directors for the Indiana Water Ski Association and the Board of Directors for the Indy Skiers, a non profit water ski club that helps both disabled and able body people learn to water ski.

Vito Lucido
Vito is a retired multisport wheelchair athlete (rugby, softball, tennis, basketball) who also enjoys recreational activities such as canoeing and kayaking, scuba diving, and water skiing.
While no longer a competitive athlete, Vito continues to give back and teach others the power of finding one’s passion by organizing adaptive water ski clinics in the St. Louis area through an organization he co-founded in 2007 – Missouri Disabled Water Ski Association (MDWSA). Vito holds Level 1 Instructor, Adaptive Water Ski Instructor, and Safety Coordinator certifications through USA Water Ski & Wake Sports.
Due to his disability acquired in 1983 when he broke his neck playing rugby, Vito has an inside understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, especially those with physical disabilities and mobility issues. He is married and has two adult children.
vitolucido@sbcglobal.net | 314-520-2536

Rhonda Van Dyk
Rhonda became a member of the USA-AWSWS organization in 1985 as a tournament scorer for the first Disabled National Water Ski Tournament held in Michigan. Her background with the organization is diverse. She has been an active board member, both as President, advocating to get adaptive water skiing on the ballot as a fully sanctioned sports division with USAWS, as well as a regional director, hosting adaptive water ski clinics in Michigan for local rehab hospitals. She has also been team manager for 7 World Championships and a senior tournament official at many of the National Championships.
rkvandyk@hotmail.com | (616) 425-1543